CCT: (2 day course) The Carpet Cleaning Technician course
CMT: (2 day course) The Commercial Carpet Maintenance Technician course
CRT: (2 day course) The Color Repair Technician course
HST: (2 day course) The Health & Safety Technician class
OCT: (1 day course) The Odor Control Technician course
FCT: (2 day course) The Floor Care Technician course
RFMT: (2 day course) The Resilient Flooring Maintenance Technician course
UFT: (2 day course) The Upholstery & Fabric Cleaning Technician course
CTI: (4 day course) This course teaches an understanding of ceramic tile
WLFI: (4 day course) This course teaches an understanding of woods and laminates
RCT: (2 day course) The Rug Cleaning Technician course
WRT: (3 day course) The Water Damage Restoration Technician course
LCT: (2 day course) The Leather Cleaning Technician course
SRT: (2 day course) The Fire & Smoke Restoration Technician course
RFI: (4 day course) The Resilient Flooring Inspector course
MSI: (3 day course) The Marble & Stone Inspector course
RRT: (2 day course) The Carpet Repair and Reinstallation Technician course
AMRT: (4 day course) The Applied Microbial Remediation Technician course
ISSI: (3 day course) The Introduction to Substrate & Sub floor Inspection course